northern something.

I can't have fun anymore without creating some deep tragedy towards the end, but the tragedy isn't the fun part. I'm just way too serious and get way too caught up in everything I do. I suppose it's something I should have gotten used to by now.

The times only get tougher when there's a void to fill.
As hard as I try, sometimes the pieces just don't fit.
And that's something I'll have to come to terms with.
So maybe tonight I'll just stay up all night listening to Tortoise and drinking pale ales, remembering how funny it is that a year ago a cigarette would calm me down, and now I don't know what ever will...


Just tell me what it looks like above the clouds.

Today has been a perfect example of not always getting what you want...at all...ever.
Slept way too much.
Didn't do shit aside from eat Cici's buffet, which is still unbelievably overrated in my opinion.

Rumor had it earlier today that I was scheduled to work the 4th of July at Knickerbocker's...AND Quizno's. I can do Quizno's, but really want to see all of my friends, and this girl I've been at least trying to talk to...but we don't need to delve into that.

Once at work I came to find that I did, in fact, have to do both. 11 hours of work on Independence Day isn't exactly what I had in mind for a FUCKING HOLIDAY. Oh well, you know, I'll live. I'm hoping to make about 268 dollars or I'll be pissed, so I'll probably be pissed.

This made me feel better about it all. I really do need the money.


OperaMini is amazing

First mobile update. Exciting!!!!


Shut up.

I wish all of my friends read this, because it'd be a real run-around way of telling them all they're being ridiculous. I'm going to start by saying I'm no better, and I'm at fault too, but sometimes somebody needs to step forward.

and most importantly

So how about this.
We all get shit on alllll the time, people come and go, we win and we lose, but WE ALL FUCKING LIVE THROUGH IT. And what doesn't KILL US makes us at least a bit more knowledgeable in avoiding these situations in the future, huh?
Can we all buck up and get back on the fucking horse and quit bitching? THANKS


Grilled Peppersquash Sandwich

Grilled Peppersquash Sandwich

1 Yellow Squash
1 Zucchini
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Green Pepper
1 Orange Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Red Onion
1 Loaf Bread (I used Rotella's Italian)
8oz block Monterrey Jack Cheese
Olive Oil


Now these are grilling instructions, below I will include kitchen instructions for the non-grillers.
As per usual with these recipes they are vegetarian friendly (fucking hippies), all of the vegetables in this one can be swapped or not used at all (mmm, Anaheim peppers and jalapenos?). The main vegetables you should not get rid of are the squash, zucchini, red pepper, and onion. And of course, if you're a meat eater like me, throw on a grilled chicken breast!!

Fire up the grill! You won't need many coals, since you're only grilling vegetables, but change accordingly.

The vegetables should all be cut at this point, but remember since they are going between bread you'll need them to be stripped instead of chopped. 

First, make a foil boat for the vegetables, it's extremely simple, figure it out. 
Toss the vegetables in a bowl with salt, pepper, (optional lemon pepper seasoning), and olive oil. Once tossed, throw them in the boat, top with a spoonful of butter or two and throw it on the grill, cook until vegetables are soft.
If you'd rather get basic, you can always cut slabs of the peppers and throw them directly on the grill, or even kebab the veggies if you want the grill flavor

Wrap the bread in foil and throw it on the grill with the vegetables, turning every minute or so until toasty. Once toasted, cut it into slices and place on grill butt side down with garlic pepper mayonnaise spread on and mont/jack cheese covering every slice.

Once the cheese is melted on the bread take it off! (Shouldn't take long) Grab some vegetables and eat your sandwich!!
If you're a real tough guy you can put the made sandwich BACK ON the grill for a bit to melt it all together a little more.

Kitchen directions:

Essentially the same thing. Saute the vegetables over medium heat.
If you're adding a chicken breast, you can use a george foreman or something, or attempt to bake it, I'd just as soon not mess with it.
The bread can be cut immediately and thrown in the oven on a low broil with garlic pepper mayo spread on and cheese covering each slice, broil until cheese is melted.

The kitchen version is much easier, but there's no reason you should be inside during a grillout!

Garlic Pepper Mayonnaise

Garlic Pepper Mayo

1/4 cup mayonnaise (Hellman's REAL beats the shit out of the rest)
1 tbsp ground black pepper
3 minced garlic cloves (or about 2 tsp of jarred)
1 tbsp lemon juice (or about half of a lemon squeezed)

Mix together in small bowl, spread on bread.

Broccoli Salad

Broccoli Salad


Red Onion
4oz Sharp Cheddar Cheese (usually sold in 8oz block)
1 cup mayonnaise
2-5 tbsp sugar

Optional (But encouraged):
6-7 Strips of bacon
2 tbsp raisins
2 tbsp sunflower seeds


This is super simple since the only cooking involved is the bacon, and that's not even totally necessary (I like to make my recipes vegetarian friendly, fucking hippies).
To start, clean and cut broccoli into smaller pieces. Chop half of the red onion into small pieces, mix the two together. Meanwhile I'd be frying up the bacon on the side.
Cut the cheese into small pieces, I normally just cut 1/4in strips or so and then chop those to even smaller strips, but cubed cheese is good too. Again, mix in with broccoli and red onion.

Once the bacon is cooked chop it up real small (should crumble during cut, even better) and throw it in two. Next just throw in the raisins and sunflower seeds then mix in the mayo and sugar. The sugar is 2-5 tbsp because some people may like it sweeter, or not as much, I used and will recommend 3 tbsp! Let it chill and mingle covered up for awhile and then eat!