Notice how most people that speak about religion and how they found Jesus are
truly sad?
Seriously, they are bummed out.
Hold on.
Notice how a lot of religious people get more sad more often? Why the hell is that? Is there something that I'm missing out on by not going to church. Does church teach you compassion, does church teach you drama and emotion?
Or does church teach you faith, by getting your ass out of bed every Sunday morning, every sabbath, every one day of the week that you're supposed to do absolutely nothing. Doesn't that feeling, that urge to go back to sleep, make some sort of primal sense to you? Makes sense to me.
Sunday can be a lot of things, but to everyone it's a day forgotten real fast. Whatever it is that you're doing on a Sunday, try to savor it, it'll be gone soon. Fastest day you'll forget, I promise. Maybe I should be writing this to a newborn or something.
Nah, but really, it's what you make it. Do you really think that if some guy or gal or something up there in the sky wants you to not have fun on Sunday because you got up too early and slept the day away? If you're going to get up early for him, why not have a delicious feast in his honor, instead of starving yourself or eating piss and chips or whatever it is you do. Wine and skin??..flakes? Go grill a burger, tastier, more fulfilling, more zen like (hell, even a veggie burger, that's what I'd do anymore).
We all find our own peace, do we not? Is that peace not all we need to clear ourselves, to feel at least a little cleansed, a little better? Sure, some of us don't want peace in the conventional sense, but it can be whatever you want. I just don't think it should be what everyone ELSE wants! Why do SO MANY people go to church and then SCREAM and YELL about how EVERYONE IS MADE FUCKING DIFFERENTLY and that WE ALL THINK DIFFERENTLY? How can so many differences be so fucking consolidated to one null point? The sharp tack of humanity has been dwindled down to a point no sharper than the tip of a flaccid DICK due to people DRONING like SLAVES to something THEY'VE NEVER EVEN SEEN!?
I can assure you I reach an equal clarity whilst reading a fucking comic, and I don't even like comics that much.